Bachelor of Science in Human Services



120 credit hours

Program Length

as few as 48 months


Regionally Accredited by SACSCOC

Dare to Make a Difference! Obtain a Bachelor of Science in Human Services 

Are you seeking a career in the helping professions? 澳门新葡京网站的人类服务学士学位将为您提供充满活力和全面的教育经历,为您的职业生涯做好准备.  

In the Human Services program, 您将对人力服务领域有一个基本的了解,并建立一个与您的兴趣和目标相一致的清晰的职业道路. The knowledge and skills gained in the program also prepares you for further study at the bachelor, master and doctoral levels in the health and human services fields. 

CIU Human Services graduates are well-prepared for careers in diverse settings such as clinics, hospitals, group homes, correctional centers, government agencies, day treatment centers, sheltered workshops, extended care facilities, community-based living homes and social service agencies. 在澳门新葡京网站的人类服务项目可以为你提供一个坚实的基础,在帮助行业寻求一个充实的职业生涯. 

By earning a degree in Human Services at CIU, you will be equipped with the tools and knowledge to make a meaningful difference in your community. Through interactions with stakeholders from various fields, you will gain valuable insights and collaborate with others to learn how to bring about positive change. Your education at CIU will empower you to serve individuals and families with compassion, empathy and competence, making a lasting impact on their lives.


Why Choose Columbia International University for this degree program? 

Here's why CIU is the perfect choice for your Human Services education: 

Comprehensive Course Content: At CIU, 你将有机会获得一个全面的课程,涵盖了广泛的主题相关的人类服务领域. From psychology and sociology to counseling techniques. 我们的课程将为您提供必要的知识和技能,以满足个人和家庭的不同需求. 

Hands-On Experience: As part of your program, you will have the opportunity to engage in at least one practicum in a human services environment. 这种实践经验将使您能够将课堂上学到的理论和概念应用到现实世界的场景中, 获得宝贵的实践技能,提高你在未来职业生涯中取得成功的能力. 

Experienced Faculty: 你们将有幸向拥有高级学位和多年经验的教员学习. 这些教授不仅是各自学科的专家,还会为你提供学术建议, mentorship and guidance to help you excel in your studies and future career. 

Holistic Support: At CIU, we prioritize your overall well-being, not just your academic success. Our dedicated faculty and staff are committed to getting to know you personally, providing the support and guidance you need to thrive spiritually, academically and emotionally. 我们相信培养一个社区,在这里你不仅可以成长为专业人士,也可以成长为个人. 

Overall Benefits of getting this Degree

Are you passionate about making a meaningful difference in the lives of others? 如果你有一颗帮助有需要的人的心,并且想在人类服务领域追求一份有回报的职业, then the Human Services major at Columbia International University (CIU) is the right choice for you. 

By choosing the Human Services major at CIU, you will be equipped with the knowledge, skills, 以及在不同环境中有效从事广泛的专业和辅助专业角色所必需的实践经验. Whether you envision yourself working in clinics, hospitals, law enforcement, government agencies or non-profit community centers, our program will prepare you for success. 

Here's why our program stands out: 

Comprehensive Career Preparation: Our curriculum is carefully designed to provide you with a solid foundation in human services theory, research and practice. You will explore various topics such as psychology, sociology, counseling techniques, case management and social policy. 这种全面的方法确保你做好充分的准备,以应对人类服务行业的复杂挑战,并对你所服务的人的生活产生积极的影响. 

Diverse Opportunities: The human services field offers a wide range of career paths, and the possibilities are vast. Depending on the employment setting and the clients you serve, job titles and duties can vary significantly. Our program prepares you to excel in various roles, allowing you to assist individuals and families facing different challenges. You will have the opportunity to provide guidance, support and resources to help others overcome obstacles and improve their overall well-being. 

Personal Growth and Fulfillment: Engaging in a human services career is an incredibly fulfilling endeavor. By helping others overcome obstacles and providing guidance to those in distress, you will have a direct and positive impact on members of society. As you witness the transformation and growth of individuals under your care, you will experience a deep sense of personal fulfillment and purpose. 

By completing the Human Services major at CIU, 你将获得学士学位,并具备在各种人力服务职业中脱颖而出所需的技能和经验. Upon graduation, you will be prepared to: 

  • Develop a personal biblical philosophy of human helping, recognizing your strengths and potential areas for growth. 
  • 运用道德决策的原则和技能,并在圣经世界观中表现出对多样性的尊重. 
  • Demonstrate effective interpersonal skills in helping relationships and group dynamics. 
  • Understand the social and psychological dimensions of human interactions in diverse settings. 

Embark on a fulfilling career path in human services at CIU, where you will receive a comprehensive education, 获得实践经验,对有需要的个人和社区的生活产生重大影响. Your journey towards a rewarding career in the human services field starts here. 

Featured Faculty

What Will I Study?

In addition to the undergraduate core, here are degree specific-courses you can expect to take:

  • HMS 1110 Introduction to Human Services

    This course gives an overview of human services as a profession and as an academic discipline. It provides a sampling of the knowledge, skills, ethical values, and practical experiences needed to successfully assist others to a higher quality of life. (3)

    3.00 credit hours
  • HMS 1115 Cultural Diversity

    本课程介绍了多样性视角在社会科学研究和实践中的应用. It emphasizes why all sub-disciplines within the social sciences need to understand diversity issues. Approaches for serving underserved groups will be examined with current theory and research applied. (3)

    3.00 credit hours
  • HMS 2110 Social Welfare Policy and Practice

    本课程旨在培养学生分析美国当代社会福利政策问题和项目的能力,并理解社会政策与人类服务实践之间的关系. Topics include, influence of social, political, and economic forces, as well as policies affecting individuals, families and children, and social groups. (3)

    3.00 credit hours
  • HMS 3110 Introduction to Applied Behavior Analysis

    This course is a concentrated look at the application and practice of applied behavior analysis. This course provides practical knowledge and experience with a critique from the Christian worldview. (3)

    3.00 credit hours
  • HMS 4310 Case Management

    本课程旨在为学生提供各种公共服务案例管理的最佳实践. Topics include interviewing skills, documentation, cultural aspects, self-care, and ethical issues. (3)

    3.00 credit hours
  • HMS 4320 Working with Older Adults

    This course will examine the psychological theories, practices, and issues in working with older adults. 学生将有机会在生命周期的背景下获得对个人发展和自我认识的更多理解. 课堂体验的设计将提高沟通技巧和帮助技巧,每天家庭与老年人的接触. (3)

    3.00 credit hours
  • HMS 4920 Human Services Practicum

    This is an intensive, on-site experiential learning opportunity, involving approximately 100 hours of direct, on-site service and requiring additional paperwork, feedback, and measurements of outcomes. Usually, this practicum is taken during a student's senior year. For this practicum, 你通常被安排在一个人类服务的职业环境中,你的工作由现场主管和大学教员监督和评估.

    3.00 credit hours
  • SOC 3740 Marriage and Family

    This course is a study of the societal patterns of marriage and family life. Biblically and sociologically, you will address issues of courtship, choice of a mate, engagement, the marital adjustment, parenting, divorce, and the development of problem-solving skills. 您将通过课程的个人应用和培训来发展更有效地与他人沟通婚姻/家庭问题的技能.

    3.00 credit hours
  • PSY 3310 Abnormal Psychology

    In this course, you will learn about the causes, symptoms, assessment/classification, and prognosis of mental and emotional disorders. You will also focus on treatment and prevention, as well as the influence of personal faith and the local church upon mental health and functioning.

    3.00 credit hours
  • PSY 3370 Human Growth and Development

    In this lifespan course, you will examine developmental psychology covering the stages of physiological, psychological, sociological, and spiritual growth of the individual from conception to adulthood. You will analyze significant terms, theories, methods of assessment, and the biblical nature of the developing person. 将特别注意在不同学习环境中发展中的人的文化多样性.

    3.00 credit hours
  • PSY 3445 Theories of Counseling

    This course introduces students to popular approaches to counseling and therapy. 这门课程包括对治疗学派所做的关于人格的假设的回顾,以及他们通常用来影响改变的技术. The course covers a variety of psychodynamic, behavioral, cognitive and phenomenological approaches, and addresses the desire for evidence based practice. (3)

    3.00 credit hours
  • PSY 4540 Integration of Psychology & Christianity

    本课程概述了将心理学与实践与圣经神学观点相结合的一些基本方法. 学生将接触到关于科学与基督教之间关系的各种信仰, 他们将在发展自己关于整合的观点和信念的同时,对困难的整合话题进行深思熟虑的讨论. (3)

    3.00 credit hours
For a comprehensive list of courses related to this program visit the Academic Catalog.

Accreditation and Accolades

SACSCOC (The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges)

Career Path Opportunities 

  • Social Services Manager 
  • Case Manager 
  • Probation Officer 
  • Group Home Manager 
  • Behavioral Interventionist 
  • Residential Counselor 
  • Correctional Officer 
  • Juvenile Counselor 
  • Rehabilitation Counselor 
  • Mental Health Worker 
Why should you consider studying human services?


What are the advantages of studying human services?

研究人类服务开辟了广泛的职业机会,并提供了该领域的多功能性. With a human services degree, you can pursue careers in social work, social services, substance abuse counseling, mental health counseling and rehabilitation counseling. 这种多样性可以让你探索不同的兴趣领域,找到与你的激情和优势相一致的职业道路.

What is the highest level of degree in human services?

The highest degree attainable in the field of human services is a Doctoral Degree. Pursuing a doctoral degree in human services equips you with advanced knowledge and expertise, enabling you to become a leader in the field, conduct research and contribute to the development of new approaches and theories in human services.

What skills are essential for success in the field of human services?

To thrive in the field of human services, you will need a range of skills. These include empathy, effective communication, active listening, strong interpersonal skills, patience, organizational abilities, critical thinking, self-care practices and cultural competence. These skills will enable you to connect with individuals from diverse backgrounds, understand their unique needs and provide appropriate support and assistance.

Is human services the same as social work?

While human services and social work share similar goals of helping individuals and communities, they are distinct fields. 人类服务包括更广泛的专业,并侧重于解决社会工作中的各种需求, mental health, rehabilitation and related areas. Social work, on the other hand, is a specific discipline within human services that emphasizes social justice, advocacy and the provision of social assistance programs and services.

Is human services the same as human resources?

Human services and human resources are entirely different fields. Human resources primarily involves managing personnel within organizations, including recruitment, hiring, training, employee benefits and performance evaluations. On the other hand, human services focuses on providing care, support and assistance to individuals and communities, addressing their needs in areas such as healthcare, social work, counseling and community services.


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